Trajectories of Freedom in American Literature

Trajectories of Freedom in American Literature

Trajectories of Freedom in American Literature

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Autrice: M. Giulia Fabi

Trajectories of Freedom in American Literature explores the ways in which U.S. foundational conceptualizations and ideals of freedom have infused the literary imagination and informed the representational strategies of writers belonging to different periods of American literary history. The search for freedom has been approached not simply as a theme that runs through U.S. literature, but as a discourse that informs American literary works at various artistic and formal levels: from the revision of established conventions of genre and closure, to the relationship with the very notion of literary authorship and the conceptualization of literary oppositionality. The authors discussed in this volume span the period from the mid-nineteenth to the late twentieth century, offering insight into the poetics and the politics of freedom in American literature.
M. Giulia Fabi, is Associate Professor of American Literature at the University of Ferrara. She is the author of Passing and the Rise of the African American Novel (which was selected as an Outstanding Academic Book by Choice Magazine in 2001), Portraits of a Lady in the Fiction of Henry James, William Dean Howells, and Edward Bellamy (2001) and America nera (2002). She has edited the Penguin Classics edition of W. W. Brown’s Clotel (2004) and co-edited Barbara Christian’s New Black Feminist Criticism (2007). She is the editor of a series of Italian translations of African American novels. She has published scholarly essays in numerous volumes and journals in Europe and the United States, including The Henry James Review, The Oxford Companion to African American Literature, Letterature d’America, The Cambridge Companion to the African American Novel, Acoma, African American Review, Comparative American Studies, American Literary Scholarship, and American Literary Realism.

Da inserire:

    ISBN: 978-88-6680-019-4
    Pagine: 128 
    Brossura con bandelle
    Formato: 14,5x21 cm
    Data di pubblicazione: ottobre 2012
    Editore: Emil
    Tutti i libri dell' autore: M. Giulia Fabi

Data di inserimento in catalogo: 13.11.2012.

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