A Language of One’s Own

A Language of One’s Own

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Curatrici: Silvia Bruti – Roberta Ferrari
Insights. The English Bookshelf #2

This volume aims at investigating the resources offered by the English language to speakers and authors operating in different contexts, genres, and epochs. This spirit is reflected in the choice of the title, «A Language of One’s Own», which alludes to Virginia Woolf’s 1929 essay borrowing the assertion of an individual’s right to his/her suitable space, be it physical or, as in this case, linguistic. All the contributions in this volume clearly show that, even though the precept of following norms has always been favoured as the safest option, both in the use of language and in adherence to the models put forward by canonical authors in literature, the man in the street and the artist alike strive to find their distinctive voice, one that allows them to be distinguished from the mass.

The literary essays focus attention on Charles Lamb, James Joyce, Tom Stoppard, Jhumpa Lahiri, Ophelia Zepeda and other contemporary Native American poets. On the linguistic side, attention is devoted to the representation and translation of youth subculture and conversational routines in audiovisual texts. The volume closes on two interviews concerning the role of the literary translator and the application of stylistics to both literary and linguistic studies.

SILVIA BRUTI, PhD in English from the University of Pisa, is Associate Professor of English language and linguistics at the University of Pisa, Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics. Her research interests include topics such as text-linguistics, discourse analysis, (historical) pragmatics, corpus linguistics, (audiovisual) translation and language teaching. She has published widely in these areas and contributed to national and international conferences. She has recently investigated issues in intercultural pragmatics and audiovisual translation, e.g. the translation of compliments, conversational routines and terms of address in interlinguistic subtitles and dubbing. One of her most recent works is a monograph on the translation of politeness (2013).

ROBERTA FERRARI, PhD in English from the University of Florence, is Associate Professor of English Literature at the University of Pisa, Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics. Her research interests range from 18th-century literature to Modernism and Postmodernism. She has published volumes and essays on the beginnings of female professional writing and the early eighteenth-century novel, as well as on Gothic fiction and intertextuality in contemporary drama and narrative. She has also devoted specific attention to the study of travel literature and published essays on travel books by Henry Fielding and Mary Wollstonecraft and on Anglo-Italian cultural relationships (Addison, Smollett, Sharp, Baretti, Landor).

La collana The English Bookshelf è diretta da Carla Dente, Università di Pisa
Comitato direttivo / Editorial board
Silvia Bruti, Università di Pisa Jeanne Clegg,
Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia
Rocco Coronato, Università di Padova
Roberta Ferrari, Università di Pisa
Giovanni Iamartino, Università di Milano
Sonia Massai, University College, London
Pfister, Freie Uni, Berlin
Sara Soncini, Università di Pisa.

Da inserire:

Data di inserimento in catalogo: 31.01.2017.

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