“Of Stuffe and Forme Perplext”

“Of Stuffe and Forme Perplext”

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Autrice: Donatella Pallotti

The Holy Sonnets are complex poems. They reflect a sense of personal urgency, a painful oscillation between contradictory attitudes, a fluctuation between different definitions of the self. This study offers a detailed linguistic analysis of Donne’s use of language in the Holy Sonnets, especially focussing on those aspects of meaning which are related to the expression of the interpersonal function. It explores the dynamics of the construction of the fictional characters, their specific, and each time, different relationships and the way these are modified discursively. Attention has also been paid to the dialogic structure of the texts. What emerges from this investigation is a fundamental restlessness of the poetic voice. This, in turn, highlights the nature of Donne’s specific discourse, a discourse, essentially conative in orientation, which eventually becomes an arena where different points of view are brought into unresolved collision or contradiction. Thus, the Holy Sonnets witness an agon between the need, or perhaps the wish, to submit to a divine authority and a resistance, or an inability, to accept a subordinate role. In their attempt to achieve salvation, Donne’s ‘powerless’ subjects constantly question and probe the validity of received sets of assumptions and beliefs concerning the individual and his problematic relationship with the authority par excellence.
Donatella Pallotti teaches English Literature at the University of Florence. Her research interests focus primarily on early modern culture, Modernism, stylistics and literary pragmatics. She has written on the stylistics of poetry, Donne’s poetry, Shakespeare’s and Isabella Andreini’s sonnets, psalm translation in verse, women’s prophecy and spiritual testimonies, and on the moral debate on dance. She has also devoted attention to Joyce’s Giacomo Joyce and Ulysses. She is currently working on seventeenth-century radical literature and on the representations of
rape in Early Modern culture. She is editor, with Paola Pugliatti, of Journal of Early Modern Studies (JEMS), an open-access, international and interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of early modern European culture.

Da inserire:

    ISBN: 978-88-6680-027-9
    Pagine: 320 
    Brossura con bandelle
    Formato: 14,5x21 cm
    Data di pubblicazione: Gennaio 2013
    Editore: Emil
    Tutti i libri dell' autore: Donatella Pallotti

Data di inserimento in catalogo: 06.03.2013.

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